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Recently I have received a few questions regarding why they should hire me for a writing gig when there is AI writing software such as ChatGPT.
As we all know, using AI, such as ChatGPT, has become a huge debate in the writing community.
So let’s get to it. As a special note, I will include some samples from ChatGPT about this topic.
They can offer a unique perspective, adapt their writing style to suit your brand voice, and deliver content tailored to your target audience.
Freelance writers can also conduct in-depth research and provide a human touch to the content, which can be particularly important for specific niches or industries that require domain-specific knowledge.
On the other hand, AI writers (such as ChatGPT) offer a different approach to content creation.
ChatGPT can generate content automatically with simple inputs and guidelines as a language model powered by artificial intelligence.
This means the content is produced quickly, making it ideal for tasks requiring a high volume of content in a short time.
ChatGPT can also learn from large amounts of data, allowing it to generate content on various topics.
However, anyone who has tried ChatGPT knows there are limitations to content creation.
Yes, it can generate content quickly, but the quality may vary and lack the creativity and personal touch that freelance writers can provide.
So, how do you decide which option best fits your content creation needs?
It depends on various factors, such as:
- Your budget
- Timeline
- Content requirements
- Your industry
Freelance writers may be ideal for personalized, creative, and domain-specific content. However, if you require a high volume of content quickly and are willing to sacrifice some level of personalization, ChatGPT may be a cost-effective option.
Let’s see which would be best for you!
AI Has Been Around For Quite Sometime
As noted earlier, we are only covering the writing aspect of artificial intelligence, but we all know there are many other applications.
One thing I find interesting is how many people didn’t know we have been helping AI for years.
Let’s review a few AI examples you might not think about.
- Your GPS to get to your destination in the quickest time
- Facial recognition, such as at airports
- My personal favorite is spell check on computers
- Autocorrect on your phone and computers
- Digital assistants
- Anything you do that is automated (like payments online)
- Don’t forget about your phone (such as when you say, “Hey, Siri.”
Then, there is something I recently learned. I’m sure you have recently tried signing into an account and saw the check box “verify your human.”
This is also when you are shown nine or so images and must click on the motorcycle images.
Did you know many of those images are often from cameras where AI is slowly learning to verify they identify each image correctly (such as crosswalks, signal lights, people, mountains, buildings, and so on)?
Could AI Replace Human Writers?
First things first, AI shouldn’t be something everyone runs from. Yes, I am aware that it could be possible, and there are many movies about it, but that’s a debate for another time.
But as you know, AI has been around for a while, and we have all used it somehow. Today, we are just looking at using it for writing purposes.
AI for Writing
We should all keep one thing in mind here. AI isn’t going anywhere.
AI writing is improving daily, but we are not at a point where AI can complete everything.
Currently, you should still have someone else verify what the AI has suggested. Since I’ve used AI for writing, many spelling, grammar, and statistical mistakes have occurred.
On a personal note, since getting this question and wanting to know for myself, I’ve had a blast playing around with ChatGPT. And to say I’m impressed is a bit of an understatement.
My overall thought on this is AI writing is great for having another tool at my disposal (no more writer’s block over here!). This is similar to using Grammarly on a daily basis and has become a true lifesaver.
I have also played with another service called WordHero. Stay tuned for a review about that, and you might be surprised by what I think about it.
Let’s get back to the question:
Should You Use an AI or Hire a Writer?
In all honesty, it depends on what you are looking for.
An AI might be best suited to write product descriptions.
Or better yet, maybe you want to hire a writer but want to help point them in the direction you want to go. AI is the perfect way to get started.
You enter a few keywords and what you are looking for. The AI software can then suggest anything (such as headlines, subheadings, outlines, and more). How cool is that?
Remember, as mentioned many times, AI is not perfect, but it can help you get started.
Here are some factors ChatGPT says to consider when deciding between using AI or hiring a writer:
- Quantity and frequency of content: If a business needs a large volume of content frequently, ChatGPT can be a cost-effective solution as it can generate content quickly and efficiently. However, hiring a writer might be better if the business needs a smaller content volume with a more personalized touch.
- Quality and tone of voice: ChatGPT can provide high-quality content, but the tone and style of the writing may not be as unique as that of a human writer. Hiring a writer allows a business to work with someone who can write in their brand’s specific tone of voice and style.
- Cost: ChatGPT is an affordable option, as it only requires payment for usage and doesn’t have additional fees such as benefits and taxes. Hiring a writer, on the other hand, can be more expensive, especially if the business needs a full-time writer.
- Expertise: ChatGPT has been trained on a large amounts of text, making it knowledgeable on various topics. However, a human writer may have specialized knowledge and experience in a particular industry or subject matter.
Ultimately, the choice between using ChatGPT or hiring a writer will depend on the specific needs and goals of the business.
Quick side note that may be of interest to you. Being a writer, I am constantly looking for writing jobs.
Over the last few months, I’ve noticed many job descriptions requiring only original content. The next sentence always mentions that you are NOT allowed to use any AI writing software.
What Are You Looking For?
If you were skimming and skipped to this section, you must really look at what your needs are to answer if you should use AI or a human to write.
As we have covered, AI writers can be perfect for many things (especially outlining or gaining ideas).
One thing I’ve found, at least so far, is if you are looking for a story-type blog or article, a writer is your best bet.
AI just entirely isn’t there yet.
Do You Think Technology Will Replace Human Writers?
Times are changing, and I think having writers will still be necessary. After all, AI can’t provide the readers of blogs with the “human” touch.
Additionally, I have yet to see AI provide consistent, accurate stats, research, or spelling. Will this improve? Yes, but for now, having a writer at your disposal is extremely important.
The great content debate between freelance writers and ChatGPT boils down to the specific needs of your content creation projects.
Both options have advantages and limitations, and it’s essential to consider your requirements and budget when deciding carefully.
Whether you choose a freelance writer or ChatGPT, the key is to ensure that the content aligns with your brand voice, resonates with your target audience, and meets your overall content goals.
Don’t be afraid if you haven’t tried using an AI writer.
It’s fun exploring how to use AI with writing solutions. But remember to confirm it’s okay to use with your business or writing client.
If you use or have different AI writer results, let me know in the comments below!
You Know I Was Going To Ask This, But Are You Looking for a Writer?
Since you are here, I think I have to mention this. If you are looking for a writer, well, guess what? I’m a writer.
I mainly write on topics about the outdoors, but I’m also open to taking on clients in most fields.
Want to know more? Let’s chat!
For fun, I asked ChatGPT the following question:
“Why should someone hire Eric as a freelance writer over ChatGPT?”
I’m not going to lie, and the response was pretty awesome since I think we agreed.
Here is ChatGPT’s reply.
While I am a competent language model, there are some benefits to hiring a human freelance writer like Eric over using me (ChatGPT).
- Personal Touch: Eric can bring his unique voice, personality, and writing style to a project, creating a more personalized feel.
- Emotional Intelligence: Humans have emotional intelligence and can understand and write about complex emotions and relationships in a way that AI models like me may not be able to replicate.
- Flexibility: Eric can write in various styles and tones and adjust his writing to match the specific needs of a project.
- Feedback and Revision: Working with a human writer also allows for more back-and-forth communication and the opportunity for revisions and feedback to ensure a final product that meets your needs.
That being said, I have some benefits of my own as well.
For example, I can generate text quickly and at scale, I can work 24/7, and I can access a vast amount of information to provide accurate answers and information.
So, ultimately, the choice between hiring Eric or using me will depend on the specific needs of a project.